
Tuesday, May 28, 2013





Do not pay for what you can get for free! 
Stop listening to those that says you should pay a certain amount of money (N1, 500 - N3, 000) for seminar fee before they can show you how to go about it. You know what amazes me is, some of them are not even the one to give you the info but they just want to collect your money all in the name of providing you with necessary steps to go about it. 
Anyway, thank God that you are meeting a fearful and truthful fellow. All I need from you is your attention. I don't need your money for now! May be when you are convince enough you will realize what I'm try to tell you.
BulkSMS Business is a business that is selling now even more than the recharge card people are shouting. All you need in starting the business is yourself. When I say yourself, I mean you been ready to start the business and later think of how you are going to go about it. The marketing strategy and all that, facebook advert, newspaper and any channel you can think of. 
You don't really need much for the business. You need just  between N15,000 - N20,000 to  start the business which will include your complete website like this www.mysmsnaija.com  and. mysmsnaija.com website has what is called GSM generator which gives you access to phone nos of people living in Nigeria irrespective of their location. It generates the nos from the East, South, North and Western part of the nation.
You will need a bank account which is also very important for your customers to make pmt in. A phone that can browse as well is also needed for your use to make order to your clients when they make pmt on your account and you might have gotten alert on your phone.
Honestly speaking, you are smiling to the bank every weekend if you are able to do all I highlighted out to you.
You will be buying the SMS from my company which is Global Affirmative Computer Enterprises which owns the two SMS sites www.mysmsnaija.com 
We will sell the SMS to you for the price of a reseller @ N1.40k for SMS unit as low as 10,000 units. It means you will multiply the N1.40k by 10,000 unit which gives you N14,000 to get the 10,000 unit which you are suppose to buy for N19, 500 if you are not our reseller. As times goes on, we'll reduce the price for you when you hit certain Unit like 500,000 units then the price comes down to like N1.38 or N1.35.
If you are interested, get up right now and make a move by making pmt to our accounts. A/c Details as follows:
Account Name: Global Affirmative Computer Enterprises 
 Zenith: 1012692698 
GTBank: 0011177769 
FirstBank: 2016420652
When you are done, notify us by sending mail to:- info@mysmsnaija.com
NB: U'll need to provide us with the domain name u want for the BulkSMS site, two names at least so we can search if available.
To get in contact with me call: 08056206907, 08080477012 or send mail to: noibitheprofessor@yahoo.com,  info@mysmsnaija.com ,
I will be glad to pick up ur calls but please, do not flash. 
I hope the information is helpful?

Thanks for reading!!!

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You have been invited for an interview, and you are in cloud nine. You were able to pass the written test despite the array of intimidating fellow applicants. One more major river to cross

After the euphoria has died down, first and foremost, read the letter again, and note the salient points. Make sure that you have everything they are asking for (e.g. originals of certificates, or original of “To Whom It May Concern”, if you are yet to get your certificate.

Then find out as much as you can, about the company. You can use your network to link up with someone who works there, who will give you information about the company, and the position you are to be interviewed for.

Keep it at the back of your mind your employer has a need, which is why there is a vacancy in the first place. He is looking for someone to meet that need, to fill that vacancy or void.
You have to be convinced that you are the person he is looking for. If you exude that confidence, the panel will pick it, and you are in business. If you are jittery and not sure of yourself, you will fall be the wayside.

So find out what the job is about, what the need is. Then come up with a solution. Become an asset. The background information you garner about the company will stand you in good stead in proffering solutions, and discussing the company knowledgeably.

Before applying for the position, you would have made sure that you are suitably qualified for the post.

Dress smartly and corporately for the interview. Dress formally. Don’t overdress, or wear something that is uncomfortable which causes you to fidget and shift in your seat. Be well prepared, with your credentials intact. As you come in, greet the members of the panel courteously, and wait to be shown to your seat. Don’t be too forward.


All clothes should be neatly pressed.
Conservative two-piece business suite (solid dark blue or gray is best)
Conservative long-sleeved shirt/blouse (white is best, pastel is next best)
Clean, polished, conservative shoes
Clean and well-groomed hairstyle
Clean, trimmed fingernails
Minimal cologne or perfume
Empty pockets – no noisy coins
No gum, candy or cigarettes

Dressing for the Interview Men

Necktie should be silk with a conservative pattern
Dark shoes (black lace-ups are best); clean and polished
Dark socks (black is best)
Short hair always fairs best in interviews
No beards – mustaches are acceptable (keep neat and trimmed)
No earrings
No heavy cologne

Dressing for the Interview Women

Always wear a suit with a jacket; or a sheath dress with a jacket
Do not wear extremely high-heeled or platform shoes
Do not wear open-toe shoes or mules (they are more casual)
Conservative hosiery at or near skin color (and no runs!)
If you wear nail polish (not required), use clear or a conservative  color
One set of earrings only
Conservative makeup
No heavy perfume
No heavy cologne



Tips For Pregnant Women

      Pregnancy is a time of great joy and excitement, yet also a time of stress and uncertainty.  It is easy to feel unprepared and overwhelmed.  It is helpful to know that all pregnant women feel this way, especially with their first child.  I am by no means an expert on pregnancy, but I have had three successful pregnancies leading to three wonderful children, an ectopic pregnancy and a miscarriage, so I have had some experience with the ups and downs of pregnancy.  I would like to share with you some tips on pregnancy.
     If you are pregnant, you may be having a difficult time with eating.  You may be off your regular eating and exercise routine and find yourself eating more.  During the early months, you may find that you have aversions to particular foods and maybe the idea of food makes you nauseous, especially specific foods.  If you are feeling nauseous, you may want to try to start your day with some breads and crackers just to get something in your stomach.  For me, personally, I had morning sickness with all three of my kids.  The only problem was that it was not just "morning" sickness.  It could and did happen morning, afternoon, and evening. The best thing that I could find for this problem was just trying to keep something in my stomach.  I ate a lot of crackers.  I am a teacher, and I just had to snack on crackers throughout the day just to keep the stomach under control.  I also found that I could not stand the smell of turkey, which was a food that I usually ate daily.  You will also notice that your sense of smell is enhanced during pregnancy, and certain smells can make you nauseous.  For me, the smell of vanilla candles made me sick to my stomach, and it actually took me a while to get over that.  It still brings me back sometime to that nauseous feeling even today.  These food and smell aversions will happen; nearly every mother can tell you about hers.
     Be sure to get enough to eat.  You should be consuming around 300 additional calories per day.  With this said, keep this in mind.  This is not a doubling of your food intake.  It is about 1/4 more than what you usually eat.  However, if you normally exercise daily when you are not pregnant, but now that you are pregnant, you are not exercising, this makes a difference.  If you are not exercising, you are not burning as many calories, so you may not need to eat as much as you think.  When you are at the doctor's office, you will be weighed.  Keep careful track of your weight.  Some women gain a lot of weight during pregnancy, and if you are okay with this, then fine.  I know from experience though, that it is very hard to get rid of that weight after having a baby.  Doctors really like for you to gain about 25 - 30 pounds over the course of the pregnancy. 
     The foods you eat are important.  You need to make sure you get plenty of protein.  Eat plenty of veggies, fruit, yogurt, and whole grains.  Try to avoid the junk food.  Avoid caffeinated drinks like soda, coffee, and hot cocoa.  Remember everything you eat is going to your baby.  You want your baby to be as healthy as possible.
     It is important that you get a prescription for prenatal vitamins.  Your need for folic acid, calcium, and iron will increase.  They are important for proper fetal growth.  Do not take any vitamins without the consent of your doctor.  It is dangerous for you and your baby to overdose on particular vitamins.
      Exercising while pregnant is important to keep you healthy and feeling good.  If you spend all day sitting around, you are going to feel the pregnancy more and are more likely to gain more weight and become increasingly uncomfortable.  You should consult your doctor about an appropriate amount of exercise, because all women are different and their pregnancies are different.  With some health conditions, you may not be able to do much exercising. 
     Walking is great exercise and can be done every day.  This is something you can do with your partner.  Contact exercise is not something you should be doing.  Stretching is also a good idea.  Any way that you can keep your body moving will help you both during the pregnancy and then after the pregnancy trying to get back to yourself.  
      Sleeping is definitely an issue during pregnancy.  At the beginning of my pregnancies, I found myself very tired in the afternoons.  Of course I was working, so I didn't have the opportunity to to take a nap, but if you do have the opportunity, take one.  It will help you tremendously.  Sleeping at night is not ideal during pregnancy.  First, you will find that you have to urinate frequently.  As your pregnancy goes on, you will also find it increasingly difficult to sleep due to having the shape and size of a basketball attached to your stomach.  Doctors advise you to sleep on your side facing left, because this is the best position for the health of the baby.  Well, if you don't normally sleep on your left side, this is a challenge, and you may find yourself having a hard time both falling asleep and staying asleep.  I guess I should say that you should get used to this.  I think that between the discomfort sleeping and having to urinate often that this is nature's way of getting you used to not sleeping at night, since when your baby comes home, your baby will get up every three hours or so for feeding.  One other thing you may have difficulty with is leg cramps.  There were a few occasions when I woke up in the middle of the night with leg cramps so bad that my leg was paralyzed with the cramp and my husband had to help rub it out.  Doctors have several suggestions for this problem.  First, you should exercise and stretch your legs before going to sleep.  Second, you should try to put your feet up as much as possible during the day.  Third, be sure to drink enough fluid through the day, at least 8 glasses.  Finally, you need to make sure that you are getting enough calcium and magnesium. 

Avoiding Cigarettes and Alcohol
     None of us are living under a rock and can claim that we do not know the negative health effects of smoking.  I implore you, please do not smoke while you are pregnant.  I understand that it is your legal right and you can do to your body as you choose, but you are harming your baby if you smoke.  The nicotine, carbon monoxide and other poisons you are inhaling go directly into your bloodstream and to your baby, so your baby is smoking too.  Here are some of the facts.
  • Smoking during pregnancy will lower the amount of oxygen your baby has available.
  • Smoking will increase your baby's heart rate.
  • Smoking while pregnant will increase the chances of stillbirth and miscarriage.
  • Smoking while pregnant will increase the chan ce that your baby is born with low birth weight or premature.
  • Smoking will increase your baby's chance of developing lung problems. 
  • There is no safe level of smoking.  It all hurts your baby.
     Secondhand smoke is also dangerous to your baby.  This smoke actually contains more harmful substances than the smoke that the inhaler of the cigarette takes in.  If you are expos ed to secondhand smoke, you are increasing your baby's risk of developing heart disease, emphysema, allergies, asthma, lung cancer, and other health problems.  This also leads to your baby being at higher risk of SIDS, or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.  If someone in your family smokes, get away from them or have them leave.  There is no excuse for endangering the health of your baby.
      Did you know that alcohol is actually the leading known preventable cause of mental as well as physical birth defects in the United States?  Well, if you didn't know, now you do.  When a woman drinks alcohol while she is pregnant, she is risking giving her baby mental and physical disabilities that he will pay for for the rest of his life.  As many as 40,000 babies are born each year in the United States with some type of alcohol related damage.
     Fetal alchohol syndrome is preventable.  It has a number of symptoms, including distinctive facial features, such as small eyes, very thin upper lip, and upturned nose, heart defects, slow physical growth, vision or hearing difficulties, small head circumference and small brain size, poor coordination, learning disabilities, mental retardation, hyperactivity, poor impulse control, nervousness, anxiety, and more. 
     It is not safe for you to drink while you are pregnant, and this includes any type of alcohol.  Don't do it.  Your child will pay for it for the rest of his life and you will pay for it in guilt because you were responsible for it.
Get Proper Prenatal Care
    As soon as you suspect that you are indeed pregnant, you need to contact your OB/GYN.  While home pregnancy tests are usually pretty accurate, your doctor will need to take a urine sample just to be sure.  Once it has been determined that you are with child, your doctor will need to prescribe prenatal vitamins for you and advise you about your pregnancy.  You will begin to see your OB doctor on a regular basis.  This is typically once a month for the first five months, then twice a month for months six, seven, and eight, and once a week for the last month of your pregnancy.  Getting regular prenatal care is extremely important.  This care not only includes checking on your health, but on the health of the baby.  You may suffer from a condition or your baby may suffer from a condition that you would never know about if you do not have prenatal care.  With prenatal care, you can get the proper treatment.  This prenatal care also includes ultrasounds to check the baby's size, weight, overall health, and sex.  Your doctor will likely take a urine sample at each visit to check hormonal levels This may also include stress tests for the mother and blood sugar tests to check for gestational diabetes.  The point is, without proper prenatal care, you still have a condition or the baby does, you just aren't getting treatment for it. 

Take the Time to Include Your Partner
     Yes, I know we like to remind our spouses that we are the ones carrying the baby and deserve special treatment, and this is indeed true, but remember to keep your spouse in the loop.  You want this pregnancy to be something to be shared between you and your partner, not something to divide you.  Take time to spend together throughout your pregnancy.  Let your husband feel the baby's kicks.  Invite him to your appointments and see if he wants to go.  Some men like to be super involved in every aspect, some don't.  If yours doesn't, this doesn't mean he doesn't care or doesn't want the baby.  He may just trust you do deal with it.  Also, try not to obsess over the baby.  He will want to know what is going on, but he is not going to want to hear about it 24 hours a day, so remember that you still have a life as a couple.  The next few months will be a challenge, and you will need to be a team. 

     If this is not your first pregnancy and you have another child or children, please remember that child's feelings.  He or she may feel jealous or left out.  Keep in mind that they did not choose to be an older brother or sister and may have feelings of resentment.  This is perfectly natural, and they will come around. 
In closing, some women absolutely love pregnancy, while others can't wait to be finished.  A lot of this depends on the experience you have, and this varies greatly not only from woman to woman, but also from pregnancy to pregnancy.  Having a baby and raising a child will be the most challenging thing you ever do in your life, but also the most important and the most rewarding.  

Monday, May 27, 2013

Exam Tips for Students!

Exam Tips for Students

Study Timetable

Study timetable and its importance

Study TimetableMaking a study timetable not only reflects disciplined nature of studying but also makes you prepare beforehand. For a college or high school student having a systematic study timetable is a must for achieving the future that they want.

Before you march for making a timetable you should at least have a complete knowledge about the syllabus you want to cover. You should be satisfied with the content and source of the text books and other materials before you arrange them in your schedule.

Making long term plans can workout, only if you keep a regular eye on the progress written and progress going. The graph of portion to cover should match your ability to perform and for a boost you should keep a record of the progress of your plans in action. Assuming the plans to work by its own can never show you results thus one should make a study timetable by keeping a point of sincerity in mind.

Implementing on your study plans should be your prior business as a student. Easy path can keep you active in each steps of timetable so make sure you don’t exaggerate the task. If you want positive results through your timetable you should keep patience and determination and never discourage your mind by the task you have to do because framing and following the study timetable is entirely up to your will.

Steps to be followed while planning for a study timetable
  • Keep a systematic sleeping and eating time because having irregularities in it can become an excuse for not studying.
  • Your regular commitments should be clear in a list. Classes, work, family, sport and travel times should be managed before you make a timetable.
  • If you don’t want to get interrupted by your family and friends while studying make sure they know about your plans and study times.
  • Stressing yourself can be vital for your progress thus keep some additional time for relaxation and exercise in your study timetable. By such means you can prevent stress and negative attitude from building.
  • There should be a division of study hours based on learning and doing homework with a total of at least 3 to 4 hours daily. You can also divide the hours based on theory and practical lessons; it should be according to your convenience.
  • Keep your study timetable realistic as much as possible. Keep yourself prior and arrange the meetings in such a way that you get enough time for thyself. Like if you have some favorite television program do include it in your timetable.
  • There should be some spare study time to accommodate any unforeseen assignments and projects. The flexibility of study timetable is very necessary especially for the college students.
  • In case your time table is not working don’t hesitate to manipulate it. If you are making a study timetable for the first time make sure you revise and update your timetable every once or twice a week.

Other Steps to be follow
For down-to-earth, hands-on revision help, read these top 10 tips from students who have been through what you’re going through now:
  1. Create a revision timetable with sensible work slots and breaks and then show it to your parents to get their agreement. Keep to this timetable! Then when your parent finds you 'not working', provided you are following your agreed timetable, no-one is going to hassle you. Parents only hassle and worry when they are not sure what you are doing, or if you do not seem to have a plan. Organize yourself well and it will help you to fulfill your potential.
  2. Know where your exams are and when they start, how long they are, what equipment you are allowed to take in (for example calculators) and what you are not allowed to take in (mobiles, notes, etc).
  3. Make sure you have one weekend day when you don't do revision or think about exams - you'll come back to it refreshed.
  4. Tell your family about your revision time - and ask them for help if you need it - it may help make them feel useful to you!
  5. Keep bullet points on crib cards highlighting main subject theories. Use these for quick revision and for reading during 'dead' times – for example, when you’re waiting for a bus. Use mnemonics - using initials of a word helps your memory.
  6. Some people revise well by listening, so you could try ‘talking’ your revision and recording it onto your iPod or onto tapes. Listen to these while lying in bed, while traveling in a car, or walking to the shops. This also takes the guilt out of being out and about rather than in front of your books!
  7. Ensure you eat and sleep properly. Now is not the time to diet or stay up all night. Have an early night before each exam.
  8. Prepare items needed for the exam the evening before. Make sure you have the correct equipment needed for your exam (calculators, rulers, etc). Your exam invigilator should remind you of what you are and aren’t allowed before the exam starts. Taking unauthorized equipment in can get you disqualified from the exam.
  9. Look after yourself during the exam period (a good routine and healthy eating!). Be sure to cut down on your weekend/evening job; most employers know that you need to commit time to the exams and revision, but often try to get you to do extra hours anyway!
  10. On the morning of the exam, have a good breakfast, stay calm and allow plenty of time to get to the exam. Remember that you can only do your best and even if you don't do as well as you'd hoped, your parents still love you just as much!

Govs against Amaechi are bad losers – ACN, CPC •Calm down, work with me, Jang tells Rivers gov

Govs against Amaechi are bad losers – ACN, CPC •Calm down, work with me, Jang tells Rivers gov

Chairman, Nigeria Governors' Forum, Rotimi Amaechi
Chairman, Nigeria Governors' Forum, Rotimi Amaechi 

Opposition parties on Sunday took a swipe at the governors that rejected the election of Rivers State Governor Rotimi Amaechi as Chairman of the Nigerian Governors’ Forum as bad losers.
They also criticised the Peoples Democratic Party and President Goodluck Jonathan over the rejection, accusing them of being desperate to win the 2015 election at all costs.
The Action Congress of Nigeria, the Congress for Progressive Change and the All Nigeria Peoples Party said the President and the PDP would not accept the result of the 2015 elections if they lost.
The Rivers State Governor, Rotimi Amaechi, on Friday won the NGF chairmanship election.
But on Saturday, 17 governors faulted the election, saying the Plateau State Governor, Jonah Jang, won the election.
Apparently in the euphoria of his being declared by a faction as the NGF chairman, Jonah Jang arrived in Jos, his state capital on Sunday to tell journalists that he did not bargain for the new post.
The following dialogue ensued between the governor and the journalists:
Question: Do you actually bargain for what you got now?
Answer: Well, I never bargained for it but that is the way God works. So this is God’s will.
Question: What is your impression of the election sir?
Answer: As far as I’m concerned I have been given an assignment and by the grace of God I will do my best to unite the forum and make sure the forum provides the right leadership for the people of Nigeria because we are governors that are governing our respective states.
So, we are bound together to work with one another. The NGF election, or selection as you call it, should not divide the governors; we have one purpose and were elected by the people to work for them. We have worked with Governor Amaechi, the former Chairman of NGF before and I’m appealing to him to calm down and also work with me so that together we will continue to give Nigerians the right leadership for electing us as their governors.
Question: Are you ready to work with him if he agrees to support you?
Answer: I mean I’m going to really try to get him to work with me, I have once worked with him before, he too should work with me so that we can be able to give this country the right leadership that it is yearning for.
On Sunday, the ACN said that the outcome of the election was an indication that Jonathan and his party would lose the 2015 elections.
The Presidency had on Saturday said he had no candidate or interest in the NGF election.
The ACN, in a statement in Abuja by its National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, said that the anti-Amaechi governors were undoubtedly acting the script written for them by the presidency and the leadership of the PDP.
“The Presidency and the ruling party have lost control of themselves. They are bound to also lose control of the nation, democratically, in 2015. Make no mistake about it,” the party said.
It said the message that the Presidency was sending to the nation  through the governors’ forum election was that the outcome of the 2015 elections would only be valid if a certain candidate emerged the winner.
It said, “If an election involving only 35 governors can generate so much controversy and threaten to overheat the polity, what will happen when millions of Nigerians vote in 2015?
“Is this how President Goodluck Jonathan, who is the godfather of the losing governors, has been sanitising the electoral process as he has been enthusing?”
“The show of shame by the bad losers supporting Governor Jonah Jang, of course at the behest of the presidency, is an extension of the threat that has been issued by some rabble-rousers that it is either Jonathan for 2015 or there will be no Nigeria as we know it.
“This is the Gbagbo Option that plunged Cote d’Ivoire into a crisis in which it has yet to fully emerge. This is what the puppet governors are pushing for, hence they must be called to order urgently!”
The ACN condemned the meddlesomeness of the Presidency in the election. It criticised Jonathan for allegedly expending so much goodwill he had on the NGF election.
The party also called for a probe of the document being circulated by the losing governors to show they had harvested the signatures of 18 governors pushing for a consensus candidate just before the elections.
The party said the fact that the signature of a governor, who neither attended the meeting of the PDP chapter of the NGF nor sent a representative, was included in the consensus list was an indication that the signatures were harvested long before the meeting and the day of the election.
Also, CPC accused the President and the PDP of being bad losers.
The party’s National Publicity Secretary, Mr. Rotimi Fashakin, told one of our correspondents that the desire of the President to win at all costs in 2015 had made him to be fighting those he called imaginary enemies.
Jonathan had in a statement by his spokesman, Dr. Reuben Abati, on Saturday denied involvement in the NGF election.
Fashakin said, “The governors, elected on the platform of the PDP, who the President thinks have shown aversion to his desire for re-election, have been treated with utter ruthlessness.
“A noxious desire to truncate Governor Rotimi Amaechi’s Chairmanship of the Nigeria Governor’s Forum had seen the birthing of new platforms for PDP governors.
“The bilious discontent arising from the elections for the new chairman of the NGF bears the imprimatur of the Presidency. The PDP and indeed the Presidency are bad losers.
“But Nigerians are watching. They are not docile and will, when the time comes, give the Presidency and his party the shocker of their lives.”
On its part, the ANPP said the confusion after the NGF election was a reflection of the resolve of the Presidency to create confusion where it fails to actualise its aims.
National Publicity Secretary of the ANPP, Chief Emma Eneukwu, said this in response to a question on what the NGF election and its outcome portends for 2015.
He said “The governor’s forum election just mirrored the resolve of the presidency to create confusion and anarchy wherever it fails to actualise its aims.
“It is a common knowledge that the presidency brought out all jokers in its purse to stop Amaechi but couldn’t and instead of submitting to the will of the majority, it decided to destroy the forum by introducing factions.
“It shows Nigerians how the PDP government will try to introduce anarchy when they lose 2015 elections.”
The PDP has yet to react to the outcome of the NGF election.
When contacted, the National Publicity Secretary of the PDP, Chief Olisah Metuh, said the party’s National Working Committee members were meeting on the outcome of the NGF election.
But the Zonal Publicity Secretary, PDP, South-West Zone, Waheed Lawal, said that the President did not interfere in the election.
“What happened or what we are told that happened at the venue of the election was politics. I say it is democracy in action. I wish to also reject the insinuations of meddlesomeness in the affairs of Governors Forum by President Goodluck Jonathan. I totally disagree,” Lawal stated.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Oshiomole Orders Protesting Students To Pay For Vandalised School Property

Oshiomole Orders Protesting Students To Pay For Vandalised School Property

Protesting students of Idogbo Secondary School, in Ikpoba Okha Local Government Area of Edo state, who destroyed the school’s property while protesting the death in an accident, of their colleagues, have been directed by the state Governor Mr. Adams Oshiomhole, to pay for the vandalised property.
oshiomoleOshiomhole noted during a visit to the school to assess the level of damage to the facilities, that the students had no reason to resort to the destruction of the school’s facilities, no matter the level of provocation, adding that if teachers could be sanctioned for flouting directives, students were not an exeption.
“Let me advise you strongly that on no account should you vandalise government property and in particular, on no account should you vandalise your school. If you are annoyed over something and you tear your shirt, will that make sense?
“Unfortunately, someone was knocked down by a car and he died. We are still trying to find out the role of the teacher who was responsible, to determine whether the death was preventable. I assure you that once the facts are clear, government will take the right decision because as a government, the life of every person living in Edo State is important to us and it is even more so when we are talking of children,” the governor said.

10 Million Nigerian Children Out Of School – UBEC

10 Million Nigerian Children Out Of School – UBEC

Prof. Charles Onocha, said in Asaba, Delta State, said an estimated 10 million children are out of school.
The Acting Executive Secretary of the Universal Basic Education Commission, UBEC, stated that specific interventions geared towards broadening access and ensuring functional learning for Nigerian citizens were therefore being initiated to address the issue.
schl children
Onocha said this at the flag-off of the Needs Assessment Survey for the integration of out-of-school children from South-East and South-South states, noting: “Realising the enormous loss accruing to both its citizens and the country at large as a result of the impact of education on a large proportion of its youthful population, government has redoubled efforts towards reversing the trend.
“I am delighted to inform that in the renewed drive for the education of known target groups, which hitherto had little or no access to education, the Nigerian government has initiated specific interventions geared towards broadening access and ensuring functional learning for its citizens.
“Priority programmes in this direction include integration of Almagiri education into the Basic Education Programme, All girls’ school initative and integration of out-of-school children form South East and South-South states into the UBE programme,” he said.

Basic Bookkeeping

Basic Bookkeeping

Bookkeeping - definition

Book-keeping is the recording of all financial transactions undertaken by a business 
(or an individual). A bookkeeper (or accounting clerk) is a person who keeps the books of
an organization. The organization might be a business, a charity or a local sports club. 

Why Keep Records?

Good records will keep you informed about the past and present financial position of
your business.

Good records will keep you in control and give you the information needed to make
good business decisions.

Good record keeping increases a new business' chances of survival and an established
business's chances of staying in business and earning good profits.

Setting Up a Record Keeping System

(We are assuming the start of a new small business)


Register your business name with the Corporate affairs commission.

In order to keep your business separate from your personal affairs, open a separate
business account at your local bank. Order numbered cheques with stubs to record
cheque details and obtain a deposit book. With this type of account, ensure that your
bank will be mailing you a statement along with your canceled cheques every month
so that you can perform bank reconciliations.

What Record Keeping System Should I Use?

  • A good record keeping system should be simple to use, easy to understand, reliable, accurate, consistent and designed to provide information on a timely basis.
  • The legal requirement concerning financial records specify only that they be a permanent, accurate and complete record of your daily income and expenses. 
  • There are many types of record books and bookkeeping systems available. For example:
  • Double Entry Bookkeeping— this is the system taught in most high school and college bookkeeping and accounting classes. Each transaction is recorded twice, one account is credited with the given Naira amount and a second account is debited by an equal naira amount. This is an excellent system but often formal training and practice will be needed to understand and master it.  

  • One-Write Systems— these are copyrighted systems that are set up using carbon-backed cheques. As you write the information on a cheque, it also transfers the data to a record system.

  • Computerized Systems— there are several excellent programs available. These programs offer the speed and capacity of computers as well as the ability to produce daily updated financial statements. One should be careful, however, that they are not buying expensive software programs or computer equipment that has more capacity than they need. Most small businesses grow into the need for a computerized system; usually as a means to control larger volumes of inventory or transactions.

  • Single Entry bookkeeping— a single entry system means every naira transaction is recorded only once, either as income or expense, an asset or a liability. All entries are recorded on a one page synoptic journal or also called a revenue and expense journal. The system is simple, easily understood, and thus requires little training. 

     I hope this information is usefull?

    More post coming! 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Airtel Internet Settings

Airtel Internet Settings

To have access to the internet  on your mobile phones and tablets or other data enabled devices, you will have  to ensure your APN settings are configured correctly on the Airtel 3.75G network.
APN simply means Access Point Name. This is a requirement on the network for all data users. It is your gateway to accessing the web on the Airtel Network. AIRTEL APN is internet.ng.airtel.comIf your phone/device has no APN settings or incorrect APN settings, you would be unable to access the web.
Typically, once you insert the Airtel SIM, the settings are automatically configured. However, a need to configure manually might occur. This varies from device to device.

For iPhones/Ipads

iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Mini

Go to SettingsCellular dataAPN settingsAPN> type in the following details:
  • Username: Please leave blank
  • Password: Please leave blank
  • Access Point Name (APN): internet.ng.airtel.com
  • Home Page: www.ng.airtel.com
iPhones 3G and 4
Go to SettingsGeneralNetworkMobile Data NetworkAPN>type in the following details:
  • Username: Please leave blank
  • Password: Please leave blank
  • Access Point Name (APN): internet.ng.airtel.com
  • Home Page: www.ng.airtel.com

iPhone 4S and iPhone 5

Go to SettingsGeneralCellularCellular Data NetworkAPN>type in the following details:
  • Username: Please leave blank
  • Password: Please leave blank
  • Access Point Name (APN): internet.ng.airtel.com
  • Home Page: www.ng.airtel.com


For Android Phones and Tablets

Go to SettingsMore SettingsMobile NetworkAccess Point Names>Click on Menu options> New APN> Name> type in access. Click on APN>type in the  following details:
  • Username: Please leave blank
  • Password: Please leave blank
  • Access Point Name (APN): internet.ng.airtel.com
  • Home Page: www.ng.airtel.com

Click on Authentication type> type in PAP


For Nokia devices


Windows OS e.g. Lumia Series

Go to SettingsMobile NetworksEdit APN>type in the following details:
  • Username: Please leave blank
  • Password: Please leave blank
  • Access Point Name (APN): internet.ng.airtel.com
  • Home Page: www.ng.airtel.com

Symbian OS e.g. Nokia N8

Go to SettingsConnectivityAdmin Settings> Mobile DataAccess Point name>type in the following details:
  • Username: Please leave blank
  • Password: Please leave blank
  • Access Point Name (APN): internet.ng.airtel.com
  • Home Page: www.ng.airtel.com

Symbian OS e.g. Nokia C5

Go to settingssettingsConnectionPacket DataAccess Point>type in the following details:
  • Username: Please leave blank
  • Password: Please leave blank
  • Access Point Name (APN): internet.ng.airtel.com
  • Home Page: www.ng.airtel.com

For Blackberry Phones


OS  7 e.g. Bold 5

Go to OptionsDevice and Status informationAdvanced System settings> TCP/IP> Click on APN settings enabled>type in the following details:
  • Username: Please leave blank
  • Password: Please leave blank
  • Access Point Name (APN): internet.ng.airtel.com
  • Home Page: www.ng.airtel.com

OS 5 e.g. Bold 2

    Go to OptionsAdvanced OptionsTCP/IP> Click on APN settings enabled> Click on APN>type in the following details:   
  • Username: Please leave blank
  • Password: Please leave blank
  • Access Point Name (APN): internet.ng.airtel.com
  • Home Page: www.ng.airtel.com

You can also get the settings by sending ‘S’ to 232.
For further assistance and inquiries on how to get APN settings on your phones/devices and how to browse the internet in general, get in touch with us through the following avenues;
  • Call 111 toll-free and 24hrs to access our Customer call center and log your complaints
  • Visit any of AIRTEL Shops/showrooms across Nigeria.
  • Log your complaints on AIRTEL Twitter page @AirtelNigeria
  • You can also reach us on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/airtelng
The information is provided to you by: Noibi Abiodun B
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Monday, May 20, 2013


Good Evening readers,

I want to quickly ask if you know the reason for the term "Credit" used in Telecom industry.
The term "Credit" is actually not what you have with the Telecom companies (GLO, ETISALAT, MTN or AIRTEL) but your cash equivalent.

So many people get it wrong when they need to get a recharge card to make calls, what they ask for is
"I need to buy Credit" instead of calling card.

Kindly make your comment to let us know what the term "Credit" is used for.

I will be explaining in details what the term credit is actually been used for in my next post.